• About METK

    • The Centre of EstonianRural ResearchandKnowledge (METK)

    • METK's research and development expertise covers the fields of plant breeding and protection, soil, agrochemistry, environmental monitoring, socio-economic, and many other research areas.

    • METK’s modern laboratories and variety testing centres are established partners in implementing the national control system.

    • METK provides knowledge transfer, training, advice, and innovation services for agricultural and rural development. It also carries out activities necessary to implement the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

  • 100 years of plant breeding and crop science in METK

    • The varieties of cereals, oil crops, vegetables, grasses, and legumes bred in METK have been rigorously tested to grow successfully in Estonia's changing climate conditions. So, no negative surprises are to be expected in terms of yield, winter hardiness, disease resistance, or other characteristics.

    • In total, more than 300 varieties of agricultural crops have been assigned to the the Estonian Variety List in our Jõgeva breeding center since 1920.

    • Newer varieties are winter oilseed rape 'Aita' and winter wheat 'Perenaise.' In 2024, a newly cultivated plant species, Festuca trachyphylla 'Ruhnu,' was completed.

  • METK in figures

    • 310 employees, of whom nearly 50% are active in variety breeding and research, and 30% work at laboratories.

    • 20 000 field plots sown and analyzed each year for research purposes

    • 53 000 laboratory samples analysed each year as services