You are welcome to contribute to the symposium by submitting an abstract to the International Scientific Committee to be considered for an oral or a poster presentation.
The abstract submission deadline is 01.02.2025.
Before submitting your abstract, we kindly ask you to read the abstract information below and to register your participation at the symposium.
The accepted abstracts will be published in an online PDF abstract book.
- Abstracts should be submitted via the online abstract submission form.
- The original abstract text should be short, concise, written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure. Tables, graphs and figures are not allowed.
- Title: Times New Roman 12 pt (maximum 200 characters)
- Authors: Times New Roman 11 pt
- Affiliations: Times New Roman 11 pt, in italics
- Text: Times New Roman 11 pt (maximum 2000 characters)
- Please note that abstracts are not edited after submission.
- Do not include more than 5 references. Use a numbered list of references, ordered as they appear in the text. Use the following style for the list of references:
- Brzozowski L.J., Szuleta E., Phillips T.D., Van Sanford D.A., Clark A.J. Breeding cereal rye (Secale cereale) for quality traits. Crop Science, 63, 1964–1987 (2023).
- Tenhola‐Roininen T., Immonen S., Tanhuanpää P. Rye doubled haploids as a research and breeding tool – a practical point of view. Plant Breeding, 6, 584-590 (2006).
- You are free to withdraw your abstract if you wish or if you are not able to participate at the symposium.
- By submitting an abstract the author(s) transfer copyright ownership so it can be published in the symposium abstract book.
Confirmation of a successful submission
When your abstract is successfully submitted, you will receive a confirmation via e-mail. If you do not receive an e-mail within a few minutes, please contact the Delegate Services via:
If you have any questions, please contact the Delegate Services
+372 51 70 362